Classification |
Name of articles |
Pet name |
Input filter |
Input filter (standard type) |
FI2S00 |
Input filter / Distributor |
FI2S03 |
Input filter for adjacent removal 1 (Dielectric substance) |
FI2S01 |
Input filter for adjacent removal 2 (Dielectric substance) |
FI2S02 |
Input divider |
2 adjacent waves (to 4 waves) (*1) |
FI2MF2 |
3 adjacent waves (to 4 waves) (*1) |
FI2MF3 |
4 adjacent waves (to 4 waves) (*1) |
FI2MF4 |
5 adjacent waves (to 8 waves) (*1) |
FI2MF5 |
2 non-adjacent waves (to 4 waves) (*2) |
3 non-adjacent waves (to 4 waves) (*2) |
4 non-adjacent waves (to 4 waves) (*2) |
5 non-adjacent waves (to 8 waves) (*2) |
Adjacent 2 waves (CIR type) |
FI2MR2 |
Adjacent 4 waves (CIR type) |
FI2MR4 |
Input distributor |
2 distributor 4 systems |
FD2M24 |
Input distributor |
FD2M21 |
Head Amp. |
Head Amp. (Gain:13dB) |
LA2013 |
Head Amp. (Gain:27dB) |
LA2027 |
Main body of Head Amp. |
LA20SR |
IF Separation terminal |
IF Separetion terminal (Transmmisiom) |
TB20T0 |
IF Separetion terminal (Reception) |
TB20R0 |
Reception conversion |
Reception conversion unit (SFN, SAW filter 1) (*3) |
RC20U0 |
Reception conversion unit (for MFN) (*3) |
RC20U1 |
Local oscillator unit |
Main body of reception conversion |
RX20SR |
OFDM modulator |
OFDM modulator (Height=50mm) |
MD2137 |
OFDM modulator |
MD2037 |
Compensator |
IF delay device (H=50mm) All-in-one type |
CU21DL |
IF delay unit (*4) |
CU20DL |
IF delay main body (*4) |
SR20DL |
Coupling loop interference canceller (Heigh=50mm) |
CU21CL |
Multi pass equalizer (Height=50mm) |
CU21MP |
Co-channel interference canceller |
CU20CC |
Co-channel interference canceller main body |
Transmission conversion |
Transmission conversion unit (SAW filter 1) |
TC20U0 |
Transmission conversion unit (SAW filter less) |
TC20U1 |
Local oscillator unit |
[6840CD] |
Transmission conversion main body |
TX20SR |
Basic part switch controller |
Type II (10msec or less) |
SW2TR0 |
Type II (Semi-seamless) |
SW2TD0 |
Rb oscillator |
Rb oscillator |
RB20S1 |
Rb oscillator (GPS proofreading type) |
RB20S0 |
GPS receiving Antenna |
Rb oscillator SW controller |
SW2RR0 |
Rb oscillation seamless switcher |
Sub rack (Fan nuit attachment) |
Power supply unit |
Rb oscillation unit |
Switcher |
GPS reciver |
Distributor (for seamless switching) |
DV28RB |
Input distributor |
Input distributor |
FD2M21 |
Distributor (For parallel-synthetic method) |
DV22PA |
Distributor main body |
SR22PA |
IF distributor (2 distribution of 2 methods) |
FD2I22 |
Wave combiner |
Adjacent 2 waves combiner (*5) |
FO2MF2 |
Adjacent 3 waves combiner (*5) |
FO2MF3 |
Adjacent 4 waves combiner (*5) |
FO2MF4 |
Adjacent 5 waves combiner (*5) |
FO2MF5 |
Non-adjacent 2 waves combiner (*6) |
Non-adjacent 3 waves combiner (*6) |
Non-adjacent 4 waves combiner (*6) |
Non-adjacent 5 waves combiner (*6) |
PA |
0.15W SCPA |
PA2S22 |
0.5W SCPA |
PA2S27 |
1.5W SCPA |
PA2S32 |
PA2S37 |
7.5W SCPA |
PA2S39 |
15W SCPA |
PA2S42 |
50W SCPA |
PA2S47 |
PA2M37 |
15W MCPA |
PA2M42 |
50W MCPA |
PA2M47 |
5W Parallel-synthetic method |
PA2S37 |
PA main body |
0.15W Power Amp. Main body |
PA20SR |
SCPA main body |
PA21SR |
5W Power Amp. Main body |
PA22SR |
10W Power Amp. Main body(5W x 3 Synthetic method) |
PA24SR |
MCPA main body (Parallel-synthetic methord) |
PA25SR |
15W Power Amp. Main body |
PA23SR |
MCPA main body (Mounting type, distributor/ Synthesizer/controller、5W x 3) |
PA25CR |
Sub rack (TX, RX and SCPA are stored in 2U size.) |
PA26SR |
Blank panel |
Synthesizer |
Synthesizer(for parallel-synthetic method) |
MX22PA |
Synthesizer main body(for parallel-synthetic method) |
SR22PA |
PA fan |
Fan unit |
PA switch controller |
N+1 Switching method |
N+1 Mounting |
Type I (10msec or less) |
SW2PR0 |
Type II (Semi-seamless) |
SW2PD0 |
MCPA switch controller type I |
SW2PR1 |
Type I (10msec or less) (with montor) |
SW2PR2 |
Output filter |
Standard output filter |
FO2S00 |
Output filter for adjacent eliminate type I |
FO2S01 |
Output filter for adjacent eliminate type II |
FO2S02 |
Wide band output filter (for MCPA) |
FO2W00 |
Commoner |
2 output commomer |
FO2DF2 |
CIR type 2 wave commoner |
FO2MR2 |
CIB type 2 wave commoner |
FO2MB2 |
4 output commoner |
FO2DF4 |
CIR type multi wave commoner (4wave) |
FO2MR4 |
CIR type Adjacent 2 wave commoner |
2 output commoner |
DC48V power supply unit |
5A |
PU2005 |
10A |
PU2010 |
30A |
PU2030 |
50A |
PU2050 |
DC48V power supply shelf |
5A type |
PS2005 |
10A type |
PS2010 |
30A type |
PS2030 |
50A type |
PS2050 |
Backup power supply unit
for a short time Uninterruptive
power supply |
Power supply 15Ah (Charge/control unit) DC input |
BD2150 |
Battery (12V 15Ah x 4) |
Power supply 48Ah (Charge/control unit) AC input |
BA2480 |
Battery (12V24Ah x 8) |
Arrester |
Arrester (2 systems) |
TP20Z0 |
Arrester (1 method) |
TP22Z0 |
Arrester (3 systems) |
TP23Z0 |
Arrester (3 methods) 200V |
TP23Z1 |
AC MCCB (AC100V, MCCB: 4, consent) |
CB20A1 |
ACMCCB (AC200V, MCCB: 4, consent) |
CB20A2 |
AC MCCB (AC200V, MCCB: 5, consent) |
CB25A6 |
CB24B0 |
CB24B8 |
CB25B9 |
AC/DC MCCB (MCCB: 5, consent) |
CB25A3 |
CB25C0 |
Meter panel |
Output filter built in type |
MP2FC1 |
Meter panel |
MP2MA0 |
Multi Ch power meter |
PM2M0A |
Multi CH power meter (2 wave) |
PM2M1A |
Multi CH power meter (4 wave) |
PM2M2A |
Meter panel (for multi CH power meter) |
MP2PA5 |
Meter panel (for multi CH power meter 4 wave) |
MP2PA4 |
Meter panel (Multi CH power meter+PA output 2wave) |
MP2PA6 |
Meter panel (Multi CH power meter+PA output 4 wave) |
MP2PA3 |
Alarm panel |
Alarm panel (for 2 methods) |
AP22S0 |
Control/alarm panel (for 1 method) |
AP21S0 |
Monitor |
BER monitor |
MB2F02 |
Equivalent C/N monitor (*7) |
MC2000 |
Equivalent C/N main body (*7) |
MC20SR |
Rack |
Rack 570(W) x 1950(H) x 630(D) |
Rack 570(W) x 2200(H) x 710(D) |
Name plate |
Name plate |
External terminal |
External terminal |
Blank panel |
BP (50mm) |
BP (100mm) |
BP (150mm) |
VP (50mm) |