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Relay Compositions of DTV Relay Stations


MC20SR/MC2000: Equivalent C/N watcher & main body

(Product code:5225SR/5225)

MC2000: 等価C/N監視装置および本体
Front view

RF Number 1 port
Level -10dBm±6dB or less
Frequency Specified 1 channel from 470 to 770MHz
Impedance/ connector 50Ω/BNC type
IF Number 1 port
Level -30dBm±6dB or less
Frequency 37.15MHz
Impedance/ connector 50Ω/BNC type
Signal processing
ISDB-T Transmission mode Mode2,  Mode3
Carrier interval 0.992kHz, 1.9841kHz
Carrier modulation method DQPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM
Guard interval ratio 1/4, 1/8, 1/16
Frequency segment number 13segment
Hierarchy number 3 hierarchies or less
BER ON AIR (Broadcasting) Measuring the specified hierarchy or the hierarchy with maximum number of allocation segment, after vitavi.
Equivalent C/N Measuring range The noise is added to the input signal and the amount of the noise that BER becomes 2E-4 is measured. From the amount of the noise, Amount of equivalent C/N deterioration is calculated.
TMCC indicate Indicating contents Selected hierarchy/ Modulation method/ Convolution code Rate
Alarm output1
ALARM contact
Interface Non-voltage contact
output Contact rating DC24V, 0.1A or less
Item Equivalent C/N deterioration
Outputted, when the values compared with equivalent C/N of IF and RF is falling below the threshold.
Synchronization abnormal
Outputted the logical add of Synchronous frame error and TMCC error.
BER deterioration
Outputted when BER after vitavi is falling below 2E-4 at the selection of BER measurement. 
Connector D-sub 9pin (S)
(1) Equivalent C/N deterioration
(2) Synchronization abnormal
(3) BER deterioration
(4) Common return of 1 to 3 pin
(5) N.C.
(6) N.C.
(7) N.C.
(8) N.C.
(9) N.C.
Alarm output 2
ALARM contact
Interface Non-voltage contact output
Contact rating DC24V, 0.1A or less
Item Equivalent C/N deterioration
Outputted, when the values compared with equivalent C/N of IF and RF is falling below the threshold.
Synchronization abnormal
Outputted the logical add of Synchronous frame error and TMCC error.
BER deterioration
Outputted when BER after vitavi is falling below 2E-4 at the selection of BER measurement. 
Equivalent C/N
Measuring value
DC output
Interface Voltage output(0 to 5V, for 19 to 37dB)
IF/RF  outputs  independently
Connector D-sub 9pin (S)
(1) Equivalent C/N deterioration
(2) Synchronization abnormal
(3) BER deterioration
(4) Common return of 1 to 3 pin
(5) N.C.
(6) N.C.
(7) N.C.
(8) N.C.
(9) N.C.
(6) RF Equivalent C/N measuring value
(7) IF Equivalent C/N measuring value
(8) Common return of 6 to 7pin
(9) N.C.
General specification
Power supply voltage DC48V ± 15% or less
Temperature -10°C to +45°C
Humidity 45% to 85%RH (Without dew.)

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